Issue, Pick and Return Order Export

To use the utility to export issue, pick, and return order transaction information, you must create an issue, pick and return order export specification from the fields available. An external data file is a requirement for an export specification; see "External Data" for more information. The IntelliTrack data that is being exported is placed in the named external data file.

The following fields are available in the Issue, Pick and Return Orders export template.

Issue, Pick, Return Order Export Fields
Field Name Data Type Length
OrderNumber (required) String 200
Account Number String 200
AlternateNumber String 200
Category String 200
Comments String 1000
CustomerAddress1 String 200
CustomerAddress2 String 200
CustomerAddress3 String 200
CustomerCity String 100
CustomerName String 200
CustomerStateProvince String 100
CustomerZipPostalCode String 30
Description String 500
Division String 200
EachCount Decimal 0
Email String 200
ExpirationDate DateTime 0
ItemNumber String 200
ItemUDF1 String 100
ItemUDF10 String 100
ItemUDF11 String 100
ItemUDF12 String 100
ItemUDF13 String 100
ItemUDF14 String 100
ItemUDF15 String 100
ItemUDF16 String 100
ItemUDF17 String 100
ItemUDF18 String 100
ItemUDF19 String 100
ItemUDF2 String 100
ItemUDF20 String 100
ItemUDF21 Double 0
ItemUDF22 Double 0
ItemUDF23 Double 0
ItemUDF24 DateTime 0
ItemUDF3 String 100
ItemUDF4 String 100
ItemUDF5 String 100
ItemUDF6 String 100
ItemUDF7 String 100
ItemUDF8 String 100
ItemUDF9 String 100
Location String 200
Lot String 50
Manufacturer String 200
Model String 200
OrderDate DateTime 0
OrderUDF1 String 200
OrderUDF2 String 200
OrderUDF3 String 200
OrderUDF4 String 200
PictureURL String 500
SerialNumber String 50
ShipToAddress1 String 200
ShipToAddress2 String 200
ShipToAddress3 String 200
ShipToCity String 100
ShipToStateProvince String 100
ShipToZipPostalCode String 30
Site String 200
Telephone String 200
TransactionDate DateTime 0
TransactionID Guid 0
TransactionQuantity Decimal 0
TransactionUserName String 200
UnitCost Decimal 0
UnitofMeasure String 200
UsesExpirationDates Boolean 0
UsesLots Boolean 0
UsesSerialNumbers Boolean 0